The voice is slightly robotic, as if the Blues striker was reading a text, but there is no doubt that the approach is sincere. Olivier Giroud sent a video message to the 40,000 French people gathered in Lisbon for the World Youth Days, organized by the Catholic Church.

“It promises to be magnificent days, with young people coming from all over the world, slips the top scorer in the history of the France team, today at AC Milan. How beautiful you are, you who bring the good news! You are a sign of hope. God is waiting for you and He wants to speak to each of you. Do not be afraid to listen to Him and to speak to Him, therefore to pray.”

Olivier Giroud, whose Catholic fervor we know, confessed to being “grateful to God and to Jesus” for the “great things in [his] life”. And the 36-year-old striker said: “Like you, I need His presence, I need to talk to Him, to read His word, to listen to Him and also to ask Him for forgiveness regularly. I seek to be His disciple, to serve Him, at the very heart of my passion as a footballer and also in my daily life. Following Jesus gives me joy, strength, mind, serenity, therefore peace.”

SEE ALSO – The best of Olivier Giroud at AC Milan last season

In addition to the French, a million young Catholics are expected this week in Portugal, for this 37th edition. The pope is expected on Wednesday.