France coach Didier Deschamps reacted to the news of the death of Robert Budzynzki, former player and sporting director of FC Nantes, who had participated in its outbreak in the late 1980s:

“The death of Robert Budzynzki arouses deep sadness in me. Robert loved Football-Club de Nantes and its players. I am in a good position to know that. He played an essential role in my coming to the training center when I was a teenager, then in my blossoming into the pros. I keep the memory of a deeply human, kind, affable man, always available to discuss, to say what is going well and, with tact, what could be better.

FC Nantes loses one of its greatest servants. The FCN has a rich history that it owes in large part to ”Bud”. To measure his importance, it suffices to recall that he participated in eight French Champions titles, first as a player then in the management of the club, where he very quickly established himself as an influential and effective sports director. , the perfect complement to Jean-Claude Suaudeau then to Raynald Denoueix.

To his wife, to his family, I send my heartfelt condolences and all my sympathy.”