American actor Kevin Spacey, tried in London where he is accused of multiple sexual assaults, spoke for the first time during his trial on Thursday, claiming to be a “big flirty” but rejecting any “aggressive” behavior. The 63-year-old star, who has been on trial since late June, pleaded not guilty to 12 charges of sexual assault on four men between 2001 and 2013, including from 2004 when he was director of London’s Old Vic theatre. All four alleged victims gave evidence during the trial at the Crown Court in London. All have recounted the sexual assaults they claim to have suffered and the difficulties in denouncing the behavior of a star as influential as Kevin Spacey. Returning to the testimony of the first plaintiff – who accuses the actor of several assaults, in particular while the alleged victim was driving -, Kevin Spacey, dressed in a dark suit, admitted having touched the plaintiff but denied any “violent” behavior. “, “aggressive” or “painful”.

“He grabbed me so hard (the private parts) that I almost went off the road,” the complainant explained during his interrogation. “I pushed him against the door and told him: don’t do that again or I’ll give you one.” “It was sweet (…) and it was in my romantic spirit”, retorted Kevin Spacey Thursday. “What happened is not what he (the complainant) described”. He claimed that there was a mutual flirting relationship between the two men, that he himself was “a big flirty”. “We had fun together,” he said, adding that they had never had sex because the alleged victim “had been clear and did not want to go any further”. Kevin Spacey claimed to have been ‘broken’ by the charges and accused the first plaintiff of ‘stabbing him in the back’.

Asked about the allegations of the third plaintiff, who accused Kevin Spacey of having spoken to him very violently and of having grabbed his crotch “with such force that it was really painful”, the American actor considered that it was to the “madness”. Kevin Spacey, who appears free, has denied all the charges, saying some were made up and others were consensual. The trial of the American actor, twice Oscar winner for his roles in American Beauty and Usual Suspects should last a month.