Green leader Ricarda Lang announced her engagement on Twitter and Instagram. A heart-decorated “Engaged” captioned a photo of the couple on Instagram, with Lang wearing a ring on his finger.

Her fiancé Florian Wilsch passed on the post with the title “private news:”. There was initially no information about the details. Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), SPD leader Lars Klingbeil and the Bavarian Greens parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze were among the first to congratulate them on social media.

Ricarda Lang was born on January 17, 1994 in Filderstadt near Stuttgart. She has been a member of the Greens for about a decade. Before she was elected federal chairwoman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, she was already head of the youth organization Green Youth, deputy federal chairwoman and spokeswoman for women’s politics.

Lang made no secret of her relationship with Wilsch even before the engagement. The two appeared together in public from time to time. Wilsch is a mathematician and works as a research assistant at the University of Hanover. From the end of 2011 to the beginning of 2013 he was spokesman of the board of the Green Youth Bavaria.

Last year, Lang told the magazine “Bunte” about him: “My boyfriend, with whom I’ve been together for five years, is a great support for me and gives me strength even in difficult times.”