According to a media report, the alleged hostage-taker from Karlsruhe is said to have demanded seven million euros. The owner of the pharmacy, Patrick Kwik, said this to the broadcaster RTL. The police have not yet commented on the hostage-taker’s demands. A spokesman also declined to comment on the report on Sunday.

According to the interview, Kwik was one of the hostages himself. He wonders why the suspected 20-year-old chose his pharmacy of all things. “As if we had that much money,” Kwik told the broadcaster, describing the alleged perpetrator as a “crazy”.

At the end of January, his pharmacy had already been robbed once. At that time, the officials would have published the exact name of the shop – to make the search for the perpetrator easier. This annoyed him, said Kwik. He suspects that after the manhunt for the robbery the hostage-taker thought the pharmacy was an easy target.