The young woman actually wanted to go to Berlin that morning to apply for new identity papers there. Instead, her day ends this summer with a life-threatening injury in hospital. Suddenly a man brutally attacks her from behind. He is said to have stabbed her several times with a knife, hitting her head in particular. The kitchen knife, which is about nine centimeters long, gets stuck in the skull bone and the handle breaks off. On Tuesday, her ex-partner had to answer before the Hamburg district court because of this attack.

The man is accused of, among other things, attempted murder out of malice and base motives and rape. On the first day of the trial, the 29-year-old Afghan is initially silent.

After the indictment has been read, several emergency calls from the morning of the crime are played. The first comes from the victim himself and begins with a bloodcurdling scream. The woman keeps begging, “Please help me quickly! Please fast! I can not anymore”. Despite her severe injuries, she can tell the man on the phone what happened with scraps of words – repeatedly interrupted by her desperate screams, sobs and whimpers.

“I’m bleeding completely. Someone stabbed me,” she said at the time, among other things. When the man asks if she saw where the attacker fled to, she only answers with desperate words at first. “I can not talk right now. I’ve got a knife in my head.”

Other callers who alerted the fire brigade or the police also described the scenery at the bus stop of the Mümmelmannsberg underground station in impressive words. “Here a woman was stabbed, she still has the knife in her head,” says one of the men, for example. “She is responsive and bleeding profusely.”

At this point, the attacker has already fled. The police are looking for the man in the black hoodie with a large contingent and by helicopter – initially without success. But a few hours later, the suspect was provisionally arrested in the Ottensen district.

The man had previously been with the 19-year-old at the time of the crime for more than two years. According to a court spokesman, the couple were married under Islamic law and had lived together before their separation. A few days before the attack, the young woman is said to have told her ex-partner again that she no longer sees a future together. Because he is said to have taken her passport from her, she was on her way to Berlin on the morning of the attack to apply for new travel documents.

According to the court spokesman, the woman is said to have ended the relationship because there had been physical assaults against her. The man also has to justify himself in court because of the violation of his most personal sphere of life through image recordings and rape. He is said to have secretly filmed the joint sex during the relationship at least seven times. In one case he is said to have forced her to have sex against her express will.

The trial continues on January 6th. Trial dates are planned until mid-February.