In view of the shortage of skilled workers in social and nursing professions, the German Nursing Council advocates a “compulsory social year” for all school leavers. “That would give more attention to the important professions in the areas of health and social affairs,” said Nursing Council President Christine Vogler of the “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland”. She expressed the hope of finding more young people for this profession.

In the past, Vogler emphasized that many young men in particular only started their careers in nursing because of their community service. She expects a similar effect from a community year: “In this way, people who would have said before: ‘I won’t even try’ can be inspired for the job.”

It is true that the young people would not bring any “professional relief” during the community year or ensure nursing care. But you could “get involved, learn and also play an important role in putting the social fabric of society back together piece by piece”. This has been increasingly lost sight of in recent years.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also suggested a social obligation in the summer, thereby initiating a debate on social commitment.