Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck sees Germany in a pioneering role in the project to promote industry in the conversion to climate-friendly production. It is about developing a marketable “green industry”, Habeck told the newspapers of the Funke media group according to the preliminary report.

In addition, climate protection agreements for industry would be drawn up in the coming year. The state funding stimulates necessary innovations, supports companies in the conversion and helps to promote the use of hydrogen. “With the climate protection agreements, we are opening a new chapter, with Germany taking on a pioneering role,” said Habeck.

The key to a global energy transition and better climate protection lies in the political control of markets, said Habeck in another conversation, this time with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. “If it is not possible to give climate protection a market value, then it will be difficult. However, if the markets are set up for climate neutrality, then it can succeed,” he said.

Markets are the power of the many. “Politics cannot replace markets, but without politics the markets will not go in the right direction,” said the Green politician, who, in addition to a global CO price, considers a specific investment environment, regulations and incentives to be expedient. As an example, he cited a “climate club that works towards common standards”.

The American Inflation Reduction Act is also a good sign. “Americans are channeling their fiscal firepower toward carbon-neutral industry. Batteries, electrolysers, solar panels, wind turbines: this is now being promoted,” praised the minister.