The text on pensions, presented by the deputy of Ain Julien Dive, plans “to extend to non-salaried agricultural workers”, in particular farm managers and “collaborating spouses”, “the calculation of the basic pension over the best twenty-five years alone”, and no longer over their entire career.

Retired farm managers receive an average of 1,079 euros gross for a full career (excluding reversion), according to elements of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA).

To have the text adopted, rejected by very little in committee, Julien Dive had introduced an amendment moving back to January 2026, and no longer to 2024, the gradual entry into force of this measure.

Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt said he was in favor of the bill thus amended, seeing it as “a republican compromise”.

On this consensual subject, two laws called Chassaigne 1 and 2 had already been passed unanimously in 2020 and 2021.

At the very end of the evening, the deputies also adopted a bill by Lot deputy Aurélien Pradié providing for the creation of a specialized court for domestic violence, on the model of Spain.

The number of femicides increased by 20% in France in 2021 (122 against 102 in 2020). From January 1, 2022 to mid-November, 100 women have already been killed by the blows of their spouse, according to an associative collective.

The text was voted in extremis, by 41 votes for and 40 against. The opposition deputies withdrew their amendments to go directly to the vote before midnight, which sounded the end of this day reserved for LR to present its texts, when only three amendments (out of 57) had been examined.

“You are doing everything so that we do not examine this text because you are afraid of being beaten”, launched to the ministers present Aurélien Pradié.

“You must not engage in a game of obstruction week after week,” added the boss of LR deputies Olivier Marleix.

After a suspension of the session, the deputies announced a withdrawal of their amendments.

It is a question of continuing “the work of co-construction” started with the rapporteur, affirmed the deputy LFI Antoine Léaument. “So that we can vote for it,” added environmentalist Sandra Regol.

Edwige Diaz (RN) invoked “the interest of the cause” and explained that the RN amendments would be resubmitted at second reading.

“Government obstruction? Not a single amendment here,” replied the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti. “You sit on your own convictions to push through” the text while “on the composition, on the skill, you do not agree”.

“You stole the debate,” he repeated several times, recalling that a parliamentary mission on violence against women was underway.

Deploring a proposal “made in a hurry”, the Minister Delegate for Gender Equality Isabelle Rome had previously announced the organization of “a two-week contact group” at the end of this parliamentary mission.

On the other hand, two other LR texts on the expulsion of foreign offenders were rejected, in particular that of Eric Ciotti (Alpes-Maritimes) who wanted to create a “security court” to speed up the procedures.

This LR “niche” had also taken a political turn internally, Eric Ciotti and Aurélien Pradié being both candidates for the presidency of LR, the first round of which begins on Saturday.

The speakers did not fail to mock this telescoping of calendars, especially when Aurélien Pradié, who also had a meeting with LR members on his program in the evening, arrived late for the resumption of the session at 9:30 p.m.

“I know that you are in the middle of a congress, but be a little serious”, had launched Eric Ciotti the ecologist Aurélien Taché.

Adopted at first reading, the texts on agricultural pensions and domestic violence will be transmitted to the Senate, with a majority on the right.