According to the current RTL/n-tv trend barometer, the political mood in Germany remains stable. The left gains one percentage point (5 percent) in the current poll, while the AfD loses one percentage point (13 percent). The values ​​of the SPD (19 percent), Union (28 percent), Greens (20 percent), FDP (6 percent) and the other parties (9 percent) do not change.

With 57 percent, the war in the Ukraine is the most important topic for German citizens. The associated problems of energy supply and the high costs of energy remain important issues – however, the proportion of Germans who consider the energy crisis to be the most important issue continues to decrease.

Twelve percent of all eligible voters currently trust the Union, the SPD and the Greens to deal with the problems in Germany. Three percent trust the FDP, five percent one of the other parties. 56 percent currently do not trust any party to deal with the problems in Germany.

With regard to the previous administration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Ukraine and energy crisis, only eleven percent of Germans have the impression that Scholz acts more decisively and decisively than his predecessor Angela Merkel. 51 percent believe that Scholz acts less decisively and decisively than Merkel. 35 percent see no big difference between Scholz’ and Merkel’s administration. Of the supporters of the SPD, only a minority (31 percent) believe that “their” chancellor acts more decisively and decisively than Angela Merkel.

The data on the political mood and the topic radar were collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from November 15 to November 21, 2022. Database: 2,502 respondents (data base on the political competence of the parties: 1,004 respondents). Statistical error tolerance: /- 2.5 percentage points.

The data on Olaf Scholz’s manager was collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from November 18 to November 21, 2022. Database: 1,002 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 3 percentage points.