In the dispute over citizen income, CDU chairman Friedrich Merz criticized the choice of words used by the traffic light alliance. “I’ve noticed a great deal of nervousness in the coalition, right down to a use of language that we have only known from the extreme American right so far,” Merz told the newspapers of the Funke media group.
“Our criticism is factual and is in great agreement with the Federal Audit Office, the municipal umbrella organizations and the Federal Employment Agency,” Merz continued. “I will not let this radicalization of political language, in which the FDP unfortunately also participates, deter us from our basic conviction.” Merz did not give any examples in the interview.
The dispute over the citizens’ income planned for January 1 is to be resolved in an evening meeting next week. According to the Bundesrat, the mediation committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat, which is supposed to find a compromise, will meet next Wednesday at 7 p.m. According to the will of the federal government, the chamber of the federal states is to finally discuss the citizen income law on the following Friday (November 25). Citizens’ income is intended to replace the current Hartz IV system.
Among other things, the reform provides for higher standard rates and more detailed support for the unemployed. The Union had rejected the proposal by Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD), because those affected should be granted what they considered to be too much of a protective asset. In addition, according to the Union, they would have to fear fewer sanctions for breaches of duty in the future. As a result, the draft did not find a majority in the Bundesrat after it had already been passed in the Bundestag.
“Fundamental corrections are needed before the Union can agree to such a reform,” Merz told the Funke newspapers. “The negotiations in the Mediation Committee will focus on the right incentive to return to the labor market, the priority of placement, the obligation to cooperate, the waiting periods and the protective assets.”