Doctors’ President Klaus Reinhardt has criticized the federal government’s planned triage regulation for the distribution of intensive care beds when treatment capacities are scarce. It is essential for doctors not to expose themselves to any legal risks when making a decision about the order of treatment in an extremely difficult situation, Reinhardt told the editorial network Germany (RND).

Therefore, in addition to the criterion of the current and short-term probability of survival of the affected patients, the medical indication and the patient’s wishes should also have been anchored in the law. But that didn’t happen.

“Without such clarification, the reference in the explanatory memorandum to the law that the ultimate responsibility for the assessment of medical issues lies with the doctors will tend to unsettle them even more,” said Reinhardt. Against this background, it is good that there should be a review of the triage regulations to check the effects on medical practice.

The law is intended to regulate the procedure in the hospital if there are too few intensive care beds due to a communicable disease such as Corona. In such cases, a patient’s probability of survival should be the decisive factor in whether he gets a bed or not. The Bundestag is scheduled to vote on the project on Thursday afternoon.

The Greens member of the Bundestag Corinna Rüffer criticized in the newspaper that the Federal Constitutional Court had found in its triage decision that the state was obliged to effectively protect disabled people from discrimination in a pandemic-related triage case. The bill does not solve that. “The criterion chosen in the law of the current and short-term probability of survival has an inherently discriminatory effect because it does not serve to protect the weak patients, but on the contrary is aimed at saving the “fittest” ones.”