The SPD leader Saskia Esken has signaled willingness to compromise on detailed questions in the dispute over the planned citizens’ allowance. “If the union-led federal states want to clarify detailed questions about citizen income, we are ready to do so,” Esken told the newspapers of the Funke media group. However, it is non-negotiable that the introduction of citizen income to overcome Hartz IV “is primarily about respect”.

In addition to compensating for inflation, ways to sustainably overcome the plight of people would have to be opened up, she explained. The CDU had threatened to block the law introducing citizen income in the Bundesrat, which was subject to approval. CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja told the “Tagesspiegel” that the plans would not be approved in their current form.

According to the Funke newspapers, Esken sharply criticized the statement: “Blockade is not an attitude for a responsible opposition.” There has been a dispute in the ongoing legislative process for a long time, which is why it is unclear whether the traffic light can push through the reform as planned. In the Bundesrat, she is dependent on votes from the camp of the Union countries.

The Union wants to block the law, which requires approval, in its current form in the Bundesrat if the traffic light coalition does not make any far-reaching concessions. A blockade could also affect the already tight schedule. January 1st is planned for the start. Citizens’ income is intended to replace the previous Hartz IV basic security.

The aim of the traffic light coalition is to put those affected in a position to be able to concentrate more on further training and looking for work. They should be put under less pressure by the job center. The standard rates of basic security should increase by around 50 euros per month. The CDU politician Czaja in particular criticized the plan to introduce high protective assets.