Hamburg’s second mayor Katharina Fegebank welcomed the 200 billion euro package decided by the federal government to protect citizens from high energy prices. “We are not intimidated by Putin’s energy war. We are a strong country and have the strength to defend ourselves,” said the Green politician on Thursday. The “defence shield of the federal government” will relieve millions of citizens and companies.

“We will use it to cap electricity and gas prices and help people and companies who are in trouble,” Fegebank said. Massive investments must now be made in the expansion of renewable energies – “and we must not let up on saving energy,” she warned. Both are the key to gradual energy independence in Germany.

The federal government had previously decided to support consumers and companies with up to 200 billion euros because of the sharp rise in energy prices. The gas levy, which was controversial until recently, was overturned – instead there should be a gas price brake. It is not yet clear who will be relieved and to what extent. A commission is to make proposals by mid-October.

The federal plans for a gas price brake have also met with approval in Schleswig-Holstein. Prime Minister Daniel Günther spoke of a right step. This coincides with the demands of the Prime Minister, said the CDU politician on Thursday. “But the fact that action is actually being taken now, that orders of magnitude are being discussed, is definitely an important signal, also of calming down.” In the morning, Günther had accused the federal government in the state parliament of being unable to negotiate.

Günther was pleased that the gas allocation is off the table. Some things are still unclear. “But the message is absolutely right and necessary in any case.” However, the announcements did not go beyond “what was already published on September 3rd, that an expert commission should now underpin it accordingly. Valuable four weeks have passed.”

Finance Minister Monika Heinold (Greens) emphasized that “it is of central importance that citizens are relieved of gas prices”. It is also correct that at the same time energy-saving incentives should be retained. “Now the federal government must agree on a concrete model as quickly as possible so that people know what they can expect.” The package is a good basis for helping the economy get through the crisis and thus securing jobs and innovative strength.