Despite some widely publicized missteps by Economics Minister Robert Habeck and generally falling poll numbers for the Greens: The popularity of the eco-party continues to increase among start-up founders and has now reached over 50 percent for the first time.

According to a survey of 4,815 founders by the German Startup Association, the Greens are steadily increasing their lead over the FDP. While the Greens gained more than six percentage points to 50.8 percent when asked about their party preference compared to the previous year, the Liberals lost five points and ended up at 26.4 percent. A dramatic turnaround, because just four years ago the FDP was the startup scene’s favorite party.

According to Florian Nöll from PwC, who carried out the survey for the startup association, the results also show the changed structure of the scene. “The number of ‘green’ startups has increased significantly and will probably continue to increase,” says Nöll at . “There is a clear need for more sustainability in the start-up scene. And she wants more action than words. Apparently, the startup ecosystem is most likely to attribute the visionary to the Greens.”

The deputy chairwoman of the startup association, Magdalena Oehl, agrees: “In addition to entrepreneurial success, it is elementary for many founders to have a positive social or ecological impact,” says Oehl. “All of that seems to be the most covered in the eyes of the startup ecosystem among the Greens.”

The other parties are unlikely to be happy with the results. The Union dabbles around with just over a tenth of the votes, the rest of the party landscape remains under.

At the top of startups’ wish lists are reducing bureaucracy – 90% want “acceleration and simplification of administrative processes” – and a larger slice of the public procurement pie. Better legal framework conditions for employee participation and more government venture capital are also mentioned.