The CDU member of the Bundestag Marco Wanderwitz has criticized the Russia positions of the Saxon CDU under Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer. “If you, as a CDU politician, are praised by name by AfD federal chairman Tino Chrupalla and left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht, you have done something wrong,” said the former federal government commissioner for Eastern Europe in an interview with the “Leipziger Volkszeitung”.

Wanderwitz said that without Kretschmer’s position there would be no “Russia problem” in the CDU. “Then you couldn’t accuse us of having a dedicated Russia understander in our ranks.” But he didn’t want to trigger a personnel debate in the Saxon CDU with his criticism. He thinks it would be “desirable” if the entire CDU stayed together “with the big guidelines”.

Among other things, Kretschmer had advocated a mediating role for Germany in the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. He explicitly represented a different view than the CDU federal chairman Friedrich Merz. He also called for the war in Ukraine to be “frozen”.

He doesn’t think that Kretschmer is “primarily looking at surveys” with his statements, Wanderwitz told the newspaper: “Those are his convictions. But that’s not a good way.” Wanderwitz said he wished that Kretschmer would go into himself and question his position. He acts “like a wrong-way driver who believes that not he but everyone else is driving in the wrong direction”.

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