Berlin (dpa) – According to researchers, the decades-long trend towards higher educational qualifications in Germany is slowly reaching its limits.

As can be seen from the report “Education in Germany 2020”, which was presented in Berlin on Tuesday, there are stagnating or even falling quotas for the transition to high school, falling graduate quotas for the middle school certificate and also for university entrance qualifications. The authors also see deficits when it comes to digitization – both in schools and among students.

Overall, the expert report confirms earlier findings: educational success in Germany depends heavily on social background, and education is worthwhile. “Those who educate themselves and qualify for a longer period of time can count on better chances on the job market and also achieve a higher income.” At the same time, education has a positive effect on individual behavior, such as health-conscious eating, write the scientists.

The almost 360-page report is created every two years under the leadership of the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF). It provides a comprehensive inventory and shows trends in the German education system from daycare to adult education. Some results at a glance:


In the general population, the long-term trend towards more participation in education and higher qualifications is becoming more visible from year to year. An increasing proportion of people have a university entrance qualification and a university degree. “However, it is also clear that this trend has its limits.” Since 2013, the proportion of school leavers without at least a secondary school leaving certificate has risen steadily from 5.7 to 6.9 percent (2018), the graduate rate for university entrance qualifications has decreased (2014: 53 percent; 2018: 50 percent).


The Corona crisis has shown that many schools are not up to date: tasks were also distributed on slips of paper, communication between teachers and students depended on the technical equipment and the competence and willingness of those involved. “The last few weeks have been a field test for education and have of course also revealed weaknesses, especially in the area of ​​digitization,” said Federal Education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) on Tuesday.

The authors of the education report made a clear recommendation: “Digital media can only be integrated into the teaching and learning process in the long term if, in addition to a better technical infrastructure, more investment is made in the qualification of teachers.”

But fundamental deficits among the students are also addressed: Today, almost everyone has a smartphone. But across all areas of education, “a significant proportion of children, young people or adults have had at most rudimentary digital skills”. The President of the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) and Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Education Stefanie Hubig (SPD) gave the example of dealing with so-called fake news.

With a view to the state of emergency in schools due to the corona pandemic, the researchers fear negative consequences, especially for children and young people from “socially disadvantaged families”.


The number of “trainees” in the system has continued to rise in recent years, and with it the number of employees. Between 2008 and 2018, there was an increase in the number of employees in child day care by 63 percent and at universities by 37 percent. The researchers predict that the increasing number of births, immigration and the expansion of all-day places in elementary schools will further increase the need for early education, care and upbringing and also in schools.

The same applies to the costs: In 2018, 218 billion euros were spent on education in Germany. In an international comparison, spending as a percentage of gross domestic product is below the OECD and EU average, but above it per capita.


The education experts describe the situation in the field of vocational training as “tense”. This is mainly due to one problem: although there are vacancies for apprenticeships, some of the young people remain without an apprenticeship. “If the need for skilled workers is to be covered in the long term, more companies must also consider giving young people with little or no educational qualifications the chance of an apprenticeship,” the authors recommend.


Interest in studying in Germany is unbroken. The education report expects that the demand for university places will remain at the current level until 2030. Around 500,000 people begin their studies every year. The job opportunities for graduates are described as “still very good”.