Close to 1,400 Flemish demands of the government for their travel expenses back that they have made to the elections last October to vote. On average, they ask about 50 euros. That writes The Newspaper today.

Who is going to vote, can in some cases travel costs to recover, for a rate of 0,346 euro per km travelled. It comes to voters who shortly moved in, and “not more in the congregation live where they need to go vote”, as late as the Flemish minister of Domestic Administration, Liesbeth Homans (N-VA) know.

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It also applies to students living in another municipality stay than where they should vote, and people who feel for their compulsory voting from a rest or hospital in another municipality to their place of residence need to go, or people who are on an election day in a different community than their place of residence to work.


In the first instance, and everyone is advised to take the train. Who are meeting in the station shows, has the right to a free return ticket. But also who and other modes of transport used should be expenses of introduction. The provinces run on the cost.