There will soon be yet another bar barnefødder of the canadian singer Alanis Morisettes home.

The 44-year-old singer is pregnant for the third time. It, she shares on her Instagram profile.

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so much NEWness…

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For the lookup has the pregnant star wrote: “So many news’, which both refers to the pregnancy, but also to the new music, she is supposedly working on.

Morisette, together with her husband Mario Treadway already has two children – a boy and a girl.

They became parents for the first time in 2010 to his son, Ever Imre, and had a daughter Onyx Solace in 2016.

the Singer has previously told openly about the fact that she got fødselsdepressioner after the birth of both his children.

‘There are days when I can not move me,’ told the Grammy-winner to People Magazine.

Alanis Morissette has had great success with her album ‘Jagged Little Pill’, which has also been to a musical.