Stockholm’s feminist film festival has reviewed the offer in Swedish cinemas since 2015. Until 2018, the percentage of films with female directors has increased each year – from 15 per cent in 2015 to 24% in 2017. But the development has now been reversed.

all the films shown in Swedish cinemas in 2018, was directed by men, and among the 20 most watched films in 2018, were all directed by men.

”That inequality in the supply now increases for the first time since 2015 is alarming. Film shapes us and our beliefs about ourselves and the world. If we want to achieve gender equality in the society can not berättarprivilegiet be a male preserve,” says festival director Stephanie Thögersen in a press release.

of all 353 films in the cinema in Sweden in 2018. They have also examined the supply of strömmingsjätten Netflix where only 17 per cent of all the movies that came out during last year were directed by women.

Stockholm’s feminist film festival takes place from 28 February to 3 march and shows films by female directors, and films that depict women’s lives and experiences.

Read more: Record number of female directors to compete at the Berlin film festival