“A great painting, but which hand?”

“The roman emperor Augustus wanted to have money and in the Bible is claimed to the census in Bethlehem have taken place at the time of Jesus birth.”

“Joseph and his heavily pregnant Mary with a donkey to have taken from Nazareth to Bethlehem, a distance of over eleven miles as the crow flies, considerably longer on roads of that time, to have to pay tax. Believe it whoever wants to.”

“the Census in Bethlehem is also the name of a picture painted by the flemish master Pieter Bruegel the elder.”

“It’s a fantastic, detailed, and invaluable painting that depicts the street life at christmas time in a Dutch village in the middle of the 1500s. The subject is biblical, but it was placed in Bruegels own time and garnished with symbolism. The landscape is snow covered. The winter hard. Tax collector collects the money, not to the roman emperor, but to Philip II of Spain, who then ruled over the Netherlands. In the centre will Mary and Joseph on the donkey. Children stojar and fight and play on the frozen ice. People lagging and struggling with everyday tasks including dogs, horses and chickens. There are carpenters, farmers, beggars and the sick. It is shipped and slaughtered, fired, and the cage.”

“Where are a man and pinkar against a wall.”

“He seems to keep pitten with the left hand.”

“leading a famous historian to ponder if the purpose was to keep his right hand clean, to be able to eat with. It is a custom that occurs in some countries.”

“However, on another small Bruegelmålning of a man who pinkar against the moon is the object pitten with the right hand. The motive illustrates a contemporary proverb devoted to curb the senseless activities.”

“Bruegel the elder was careful with the details. His son Pieter Brueghel the younger, who added a h in the name, and spent the greater part of its konstnärskarriär to copy his father’s paintings, was not quite as diligent.”

“He had a successful målarverkstad with many employees, where it kalkerades fresh and was made a little inferior copies of older masterpieces.”

“There was, for example, a dozen copies of the Census in Bethlehem, which pinkaren seem to keep pitten a little bit of hip that happ with the right hand or the left hand.”

“the Theory that the right hand would be clean and can sue because the original painting was painted earlier than the copies and the knife and the fork as we know them began to break through in Europe first at the end of the 1500s.”

“On the other hand, perhaps Bruegel the elder ill fated pinkare was left-handed and heavily intoxicated.”

“Right, left, center or liberal, are hereby desired all readers a merry christmas!”

“was Sold for 60 million”