A fine of 20,000 crowns and a sour smiley has the last three weeks marred the otherwise popular Café Viggo with the address by the river in the inner city of Aarhus.

The sour smiley was on Wednesday shifted out with a happy, after that According to the representative had made a follow-up check after his first visit 28. January.

– We are insanely bored of it. It is quite terrible, but now we have fortunately got fixed up on things, says daily manager and co-owner of Café Viggo, Kasper Miller Hansen, to Ekstra Bladet.

the corners of his mouth were to turn seriously down on the inspection report of the visit 28. January, because the café was criticized for that, several foods, including fish, ham and duck had too high temperatures.

‘That is the measured ambient temperature in the cold virgo at 12.9 degrees with a calibrated thermometer. Also is that measured 20.5 degrees in anderiklette, 12.3 degrees in smoked ham and 10.2 degrees in the smoked salmon’, it is evident from the inspection report, as the Extra Magazine has a copy of.

According to the control from 28. January of this year, with the acid smiley on the top right of the first page.

It was too bad and had just never happen, recognizing Kasper Miller Hansen, who owns one of the oldest cafes along the creek alongside the former professional football player in the AGF and Esbjerg, Uffe Jakobsen, and his wife Inge Jakobsen.

Kasper Miller Hansen was the co-owner of Café Viggo 1. march of last year. The café, which opened in 1996, has about the winter of approximately 25 full-time employees, while the figure is around 40 in the summer.

– It is as if you had forgotten to close the door to the fridge at home, ” says Kasper Miller Hansen on the most serious point of criticism – the handling of the above-mentioned foods.

A servant had forgotten to close the door to it, as the Fda calls ’the cold maiden’ (refrigerator). This meant that the different foods had a too high temperature, says the daily leader and the co-owner and continues:

– It does not change that, of course, we must always keep perishable food in a closed refrigerator and in less than five degrees. We do that now, because we have changed some procedures in order to avoid that something similar can happen again.

the Controller from the Danish veterinary and food administration also found different dressings made of mayonnaise and spices on a produktionsbord. Dressingerne was, according to the report of the mission measured to have a temperature of 11.6 degrees and an ambient temperature at 12.6 degrees.

‘It must indskærpes that appropriate measures must be taken to pest management’, says the report, which found that ’the door from the basement to the courtyard stood open, outside the door the company had the waste-storage. There were not sufficient renholdt under the container, as there was residue in the form of cardboard and waste’.

Café Viggo has 25 full time employees in the winter and 15 in summer, where it traditionally comes more guests to enjoy the atmosphere along the creek in the inner city of Aarhus. Photo Anders Brohus

A second place in the inspection report states that ’the floor of the basement is not clean, there are coatings of black stains on the floor, where are kept dry goods, as well as on the stairs up to the kitchen. Also is the fan in the cold room coated with dust and mold-like coatings’.

– the Criticism of the floor in the basement amazes me, because it would otherwise have been assessed to be ok in 23 years.

– The long and short of it is that we do a lot to live up to all these requirements, and we are very bored of this case, says Kasper Miller Hansen, who did not wish to let themselves be photographed for this article.

Café Viggo has chosen to accept the fine of 20,000 crowns.