“A hundred men on the spot to fight the fire: ”May flare up again””

“TJÄLLMO. The emergency services have been working hard the last few days to combat the forest fires raging in Tjällmo and Godegård the north-east of Motala, sweden.”

“Now is the situation to be under control – at least temporarily.”

“– it Starts to breathe properly can the fire flare up and get the momentum again, ” says John Glass, smc. “

“Tjällmo IF intermingled green hemvärnsoldater, civilians fighting with helicopters and emergency council management staff. A hundred people are present in the area to assist with fighting the fire. “

“The last few days have prepared themselves for the worst, and made ready for evacuation, but during the torsdagseftermiddagen was the start of the fire closest to the Tjällmo more under control. “

“– The recent signals I have received is that it calmed down a little. Right now preparing to get hit by additional staff and since it is to try to go on the fire as much as possible during the night, ” says John Glass, the smc on the spot. “

“Volunteers with food and refreshments to those who work with the stake and on the pitch rests hemvärnsoldater before it is time to jerk off again. Even the farmers pull up – fertilizer spreader filled with water and used in the creation. “

“the Fire in Tjällmo flared up again during Wednesday and got past the begränsningslinjerna. “

“– it Starts to breathe properly can the fire flare up and get going again. Today, we have been able to keep the good in check with the helicopters in particular, and been able to keep the outline, ” says John Glass. “

“”I Felt that Sala 2014” a”

“Cohesion and people’s dedication is something that Aram Rubinstein returns to when he is talking about the fires he’s worked on that helikopterförare. He has been in the air throughout the day and yesterday. Before that he was in Kristianstad and helped to extinguish the fire from above.”

“– the new agreement with The MSB works very well, we dialed in early on and the coordination between the emergency services, military and civil extinguisher works very well. Cohesion, with members of the public will and helps, taking with him the food and snus, it is just amazing. “

“To the season with forest fires start so early – already in april, worries him. Also, the MSB looks with concern at the heritage next couple of days if no rain comes. “

” When I came here yesterday and it started to get dark, then burned it really for real, then it felt like Sala 2014. The fire in the tree-tops, and it felt like you can drop how much water time, but it will not be noticed, ” says Aram Rubinstein. “

“Despite the fact that evakueringsplanerna been blown of there is concern among Tjällmoborna.”

“Icahandlaren Per Selin see how the villagers set up and mobilize when there is an emergency. “

“– One minute is the fire under control and in the second minute is on the loose again, when it is approaching the house and animals, it is of course unpleasant. But Tjällmoborna have set up and helped, ” says Selin. “

“Elisabeth Sjövåg live in the village and has seen eldhärdarna.”

“– The turbulent and ugly, of course, when you don’t know if the fire is under control. The first evening saw a start of a fire and that it spread so it is clear that it is nasty. “

“She is concerned about the summer weather conditions, if it will not rain soon.”

“– It is jättetorrt and with the summer that has been one would hope that there will be rain. It is turbulent in the whole of Sweden, all are affected, ” says Elisabeth Sjövåg. “