Emmanuel Macron is the youngest President of the French – and especially old-fashioned. Other presidents, like bark at your country via a Twitter message, Macron writes to the citizens of dear a letter. The whole weekend was entitled to the 41-Year-old-not-disturb, from the Elysée circles, he focused on the words he published on late Sunday evening, finally.

A letter is old-fashioned in the best sense. He indicates that the sender has taken time. Who writes a letter, does not want to clarify something quickly, the letter-writer want to restore, close, reveal themselves, and the other to show that they have understood him. All of this also applies to the Post from the very top.

Macron starts with compliments, France was one of the “brothers and most egalitarian Nations”. How you can be proud to be a Frenchman, asks the President. To explain in the Following that he shares the impatience of all those who want to, that France is still fair.


On a practical level, Macrons letter is a discussion guide. He proposes that the French are a collection of questions to debate in the coming weeks. At the tactical level, this letter is the attempt to end the protests of the “gilets jaunes”, and the resulting crisis of the state. In addition, the letter is an attempt to collect the open conflicts within a government-set framework.

The French will show that you are a people who “do not be afraid to talk, exchange ideas, to debate,” writes Macron. His letter is the prelude to the so-called “great national debate” that will begin today. But if the French have shown in the past few weeks, it is that you truly have no fear of debates. The movement of the so-called yellow the West, has led, beyond the riots in the large cities, tens of thousands of citizens of rotors and a road block about to be debated, how they live and how they prefer to live. Macrons debate should, therefore, not a silent country to Speak, you should dim a wild and according to the better country on salon volume down.

The questions proposed by Macron, the French, to socialize in many cases, directly to claims of “gilets jaunes”: Which taxes should be lowered? To introduce citizens referenda? What the state can do to better serve the needs of the people in the country? Who should Finance the energy transition?

The questions are grouped in four areas: tax justice, the organization of state and local governments, environmental change, and forms of democratic participation. Many of the questions that the Macron, he has given in his election program and its policy responses. The challenge of the great national debating exercise will not now lie in the fact that the citizens get the feeling of Macron and his Team, made under the pretext to listen to, just the campaign. The Opposition has declared the letter and the debate is already a failure. Eric Ciotti of the Republicans commented on Twitter that Macron “do as always a lot of excitement around nothings”. The rights of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan from Debout la France finds simply, “Enough with the blah blah Blah.” On the Left, the former socialist presidential candidate, Benoît Hamon, said: “The letter confirms our Concerns. The President of the Republic, tries to get out of a bad situation out of the maneuver, he tried on the French people.”

Conflicting evidence

in fact, a day before the start of the great debate it is still unclear how exactly this Experiment is to determination is to expire. While sure that Macron relies on the support of the mayors across the country to organize in their communities discussion forums, and the complaints of the citizens to collect. This co-operation with the mayors for Macron, therefore, useful and important, because the small regional anchoring his movement is, so far as one of the major problems of his tenure. However, even if all the mayors to cooperate obediently, remains open, what is to be built at the end of the debates.

Macron writes on the one hand, that he would not deviate from its past reforms and to the programme hold, for which he was elected. On the other hand, that he will take the direct “consequences” from the will of the citizens. The debate was “neither a Referendum nor an election”. What it should be instead.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 14.01.2019, 20:20 PM