the symbol policy is one of the core competencies of politicians. This has always been so and is so and also has good reasons. If you want to change in democracies, something that needs more fixes. If you want to achieve majorities, must convince the people of himself and his concerns – and this means that you are emotionally moving. Therefore, the policy falls inside, and politicians on topics that are irrelevant or whose treatment is not their responsibility. The main thing, it to mood.

The temporary cableway over the lake of Zurich, which would like to create the Zürcher Kantonalbank on the occasion of its anniversary, is such a topic. Actually, the local Council has nothing to say. But because the left-green majority on the Council here believes points to, it has taken up the issue and, via a non-binding Resolution known We are! want! no! Cable car!

The sensitivity of policy-souls

so first of all, the mighty Kantonalbank one wiped out, secondly, as a lawyer, the nature and landscape protection profiles, and thirdly as allies of the affected quarters of the city, which prior to the additional burden of fear. As a side effect, the municipal Council has experienced the frustration that the cable car is not dependent on his blessing. Given the sensitivity of policy souls the cable car promoters would have done well, the town of parliamentarians at an early stage. Especially since this responsibility is Not to influence, in spite of a formal public opinion and the cable car-savvy city Council, under pressure. What you have done so now.

The cumulative resistance to the municipality Council’s Resolution, an appeal of the VCS, as well as an appeal from the district add to this – the cable car in the wrong location. That is a pity. Because a temporary cableway over the lake is an attraction which is able to inspire the Zurich-based detection: as early as 1939 and 1959, such tracks were created. Secondly, because the project has a symbolic Dimension: It has become difficult to realize in the city of ideas, the framework of the Conventional, Small-sized, Harmless blow. And the more often such ideas fail, the less likely to be taken starts. It is always extremely modest dose of crazy – something else is in Zurich not conceivable.

Occasionally, such a small madness: The dignity of the city so good. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 10.01.2019, 14:48 PM