Marijuana has shown a bit of a panacea: It has supposedly either a healing or soothing effect on everything from arthritis to multiple sclerosis.

And now points to a new study that cannabis also is orgasmeboostende for women.

the Study, published in the scientific journal Sexual Medicine, with 373 american women showed that women who smoke themselves leaning regularly, had 2,1 time better odds to sign on satisfying orgasms, than those who only rarely becomes high.

the Study of 373 women, all of which were requisitioned at a gynaecological clinic, completed all the extensive questionnaire ‘Female Sexual Function Index’, which highlights the sexual functions, from libido and lubrikation to orgasm and satisfaction.

34 percent of participants (127) reported that they have smoked marijuana before sex. It turned out also, that the women who inhaled cannabissmoke, had 2,13 more likely to report better orgasms than women who did not smoke at any time.

Only in relation to lubrikation there was no sexual benefits of cannabis.

the Researchers behind the study believe that cannabinoiderne in cannabissen interact with the so-called endocannabinoide area in the brain, where it activates hormones like oxytocin and testosterone, and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which collectively affect the entire sexual system. With the regulation of the sexual conduct to follow.

at the same time, presume that the cannabis reduces stress and anxiety, which then indirectly boosts the sexual functions. And that it removes sexual inhibitions and increases the sensory input.

Last year made some of the same researchers for a similar study with fewer participants. Here was the following:

Of the hashrygende women indicated all the 68 percent that the sex was better. 16 percent reported, however, that the sacred herb destroyed sexoplevelsen, while the remaining 16 percent could not notice the difference.

Several interesting things emerged regarding the women, who believed that the hashen was beneficial for sexoplevelsen: 72 percent of them said that it always increased the sexual pleasure, while it is applied only once in a while for 24 percent. 62 percent thought that it improved the orgasmekvaliteten and increased desire to have sex.

Other new studies point in the same direction. Smokers surveyed report that they feel that cannabis is an aphrodisiac and that it increases both desire and pleasure, and that it does NOT affect sexual arousal negatively.

An american study, published in the prestigious scientific journal ’the Journal of Sexual Medicine’, is based on a larger population survey with the participation of more than 50,000 adults.

the Researchers made a cross on the marihuanabrug and sexfrekvens: How often have you had sex in the past four weeks, how often have they fired a fed in the same period.

And to the researchers ‘ surprise, they could then see that the marihuanabrugere have a significantly higher sexfrekvens than non-smokers:

Women who do not smoke marijuana, indicated that, on average, they had had sex six times in the last four week. The smoking women had on average had sex 7.1 times.

the Same trend was true for men: Non-smokers had sex 5,6 times in the same period, while potrygerne had had sexual intercourse were 6.9 times.