“The new supercomputer should give better track of the weather”

“Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute and the Norwegian equivalent of investing in a new supercomputer. More accurate forecasts of winds and precipitation to help authorities in the case of extreme weather.”

“The new computer will be more than twice as powerful as the countries’ current supercomputers together.”

“– We will get more details, for example, about how the cloud is built up and better see where it is going to rain in the summer, ” says Bodil Aarhus Andrae, head of the society and security at the Swedish meteorological institute.”

“You will be able to get tighter and more accurate forecasts in the väderinstitutens väderappar and websites. Authorities and the emergency services will also get more accurate forecasts, which should be of help, for example from fires or floods.”

“– We already have a good cooperation with the authorities. Now we will be better at anticipating the direction of the wind during the fire, or be able to say more precisely was a rain will be and where precipitation will fall, ” says Bodil Aarhus Andrae.”

“The new vädermodellen to run in the full operation of the new supercomputer in the autumn and the forecasts will then gradually become more precise when more weather data can be interpreted. Weather forecasts shall be updated every hour, instead of, as now, was the sixth hour.”