With your course, in the case of Hubertus Knabe, the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) and culture Senator Klaus Lederer (Left) have taken to the Stasi victim-hohenschönhausen memorial, a fundamental change – especially in the leadership culture. On top of that, could now for the first time, a woman is at the top of the memorial.

After the dismissal of the boy as head of the memorial, the interest for the line items is large. A total of 26 applications, as a spokesman of the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters explained to the daily mirror. Nine applications were submitted by women. Twelve of the Applicants have specified as a residence in Berlin.

The place was at the end of January, beginning of February have been announced. Grütters and Berlin’s culture Senator Klaus Lederer (Left) in the procedure on broad Expertise and expertise in the selection process. Grütters has set up a seven-member search Committee. The Commission – four men and three women – to meet the Candidates selection for the replacement. It is mainly designated experts for the reappraisal of the SED dictatorship.

To the body of the country, therefore, are representative for the reappraisal of the SED dictatorship in East Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Birgit Neumann-Becker, the Director of the Foundation of Berlin wall memorial, Axel Klausmeier, the Brandenburg dictatorship Commissioner Maria Nooke, and the Director of the topography of terror Foundation, Andreas Nachama. Other members of the historians, Christian Sachse of the Union of victim associations of Communist tyranny (UOKG), the former Parliamentary state Secretary in the Federal financial supervisor Ministry, and former immigrants, Hartmut Koschyk (CSU), and the former head of the Stasi records Agency (BStU), Marianne Birthler.

daily mirror people

for Free order

The Commission is scheduled to meet from the pool of Applicants a choice of accommodation and proposals. These must then be to the Board of Trustees of the memorial presented. The Board of Trustees, the Lederer Chairman, then appointed a new head or a new head.

Grütters and Lederer keep the process from remote

Grütters and Lederer have chosen this procedure in order to avoid from the start the suspicion, both of which would affect the decision or the selection of personnel for a political orientation to the memorial. Therefore, no representative of the state Minister of Culture or the Senate cultural Affairs Department to sit in the selection Committee. In clear text: Grütters and Lederer, the procedure to keep to the greatest possible extent. Only at the end, if the Board of Trustees appoints a new head, you must Lederer co-decide as Chairman.

Lederer had explained to the daily mirror in October, so the expertise should be strengthened “in the selection”. At the same time, the culture of a Senator to the position, “it had been here’s something else to be relevant as the Act of the previous Foundation Board”. Lederer and Grütters also want to refute the suspicion of a left-wing cultural Senator could someone who played the DDR-Unrecht, appointed head of the memorial. Grütters himself had spoken of a “trust signal to the victims of the SED dictatorship, and the group of experts”, “involved in the reappraisal of the SED dictatorship”.

The terms and conditions of service of the new memorial Board is limited according to the invitation to tender, initially for five years, but will contain an Option to renew. The new Director or the new Director will at the same time appointed to the management Board by the Land of Berlin and by the Federal government-supported Foundation, the memorial Berlin-hohenschönhausen.

Stasi Museum in the former Ministry for state security of the DDRWeitere pictures of view 1 of 42Foto: Geoportal Berlin / Digital colored Orthophotos 201503.05.2016 10:04EINGEGANGEN ON … The Berlin Stasi Museum in Lichtenberg Rusch road is marked by a huge stamp, the only…Back Next

Hubertus Knabe had the memorial for more than 17 years. At the end of September he had been due to his handling of harassment allegations against the Vice-memorial Director Helmuth frauendorfer by the Board of Trustees of its responsibilities and discharged relieved. The Board of Trustees accused him of not being firm enough against the sexual harassment of women, by the Deputy to proceed. He had tolerated the abuse for years, covered by his style of leadership promoted.

the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters had talked about “ugly insight” and a boy said: “He has shown in spite of repeated speech, the will to change the Situation at the memorial.” Boy had denied the allegations and he had initially appealed against his dismissal. After a comparison with the Senate administration of culture, he pulled his suit back.

administrative court decides: the Senate must provide information-on-Details

About the Details of the agreement, both sides silence agreed on the amount of the severance payment. Information, contact the cultural management refused. On an application for a temporary injunction of the Tagesspiegel, the Berlin administrative court ruled recently that the cultural Senator Lederer must give information about the amount and accompanying agreements on severance pay.

Lederer must, in accordance with the first instance decision, also to date information relating to allegations of denials of sexist behavior against a boy. So far, the cultural administration has not yet decided whether or not you put in an appeal against the ruling before the higher administrative court of Berlin-Brandenburg (OVG).

Politically, the case is not were boy, however. in the Berlin house of deputies of the CDU parliamentary group wants to apply for a Committee of inquiry. Also FDP and AfD are likely to support the request. In the CDU parliamentary group had been struggling for months to the course in the case of a boy. First of all, the CDU parliamentary leader Burkard Dregger against a boy-the Committee was, because also of the CDU-country Manager grütter’s target could be. However, the critics prevailed, despite warnings from Grütters, the Committee was “wrong and harmful”.

read more in the daily mirror to the Causa boy

– Free employees are in favour of dismissal of Hubertus Knabe: 41 free employees of the Stasi memorial in Hohenschönhausen sign a joint Declaration. Knabes dismissal was “necessary”.

Birthler-report charged Hubertus Knabe difficult: sexism was for years in the Stasi memorial topic: Shortly before the process for the termination of Hubertus Knabe, Marianne Birthler, has submitted its report.

How it came to the dismissal of Hubertus Knabe: Hubertus Knabe had to go as head of the Stasi victims memorial. It was an intrigue, a political issue, or the right decision? A Reconstruction.

– Ex-head of boy’s for the second Time: The former Director of the Stasi victims memorial sought the confrontation and moved into his old office. However, he remained only briefly.

More about

Stasi victim-hohenschönhausen memorial Lederer Grütters staff leaves to search for the boy-successor

Alexander Fröhlich

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