There were not given hand in order to ensure a majority, however, pressed some buttons, because the government’s bill to introduce a grundlovsceremoni with a handshake on Thursday was adopted by a majority in Parliament.

the Proposal has received criticism from several mayors – including V-mayors – who do not believe that one can require a handshake to get Danish citizenship.

Now is the proposal, however, been passed into law. It is udlændingestramning number 100 since the elections in 2015. Immigration and integration minister Inger Støjberg (V) considers, that the law will take effect.

She believes, moreover, that the ceremony is a symbol of that you’re going to Denmark.

– You write that the foundation of the freedoms that generations before us have laid.

– It will say that you are a citizen of a country where there is freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality between the sexes, and after it gives you, of course, hand it to the representative for the ceremony, says Støjberg.

the Unity Søren Søndergaard is, however, critical of the law, which he does not believe will have any effect.

– It is hypocrisy. The question is whether people behave properly, and it ensures we do not with a handshake, which they, in their own opinion can be given on the fake conditions to get a Danish citizenship, says Søren Søndergaard.

the Government and the Danish people’s Party voted for the bill with the controversial handshake, while Unity, the Alternative, The Radical and SF voted against.

the Social democrats voted either for or against. This caused criticism and amazement from, among other things Støjberg and Unity during Thursday’s debate on the bill.

Indfødsretsordfører Astrid Krag (S) says that the Social democrats support the ceremony and the hand pressure. But the party does not believe that the government should legislate to give the hand.

– To legislate on something that is not a problem. There will be given hand many places in the Danish society, without regulating it by legislation, ” says Krag.

For udlændingeordfører Martin Henriksen (DF), there is great satisfaction with the law.

And it give the hand should be taken quite seriously, he believes. For example, it is not good enough to give the mayor a hug instead of the hand.

– It is clear in the legislation that the palm of the hand must touch the palm of the hand, and that you don’t have gloves on.

– We will not prohibit a hug, but I would encourage you to give hand first and then a hug afterwards, says Henriksen.

this Act shall enter into force on 1. January 2019.