A representative of the provincial Council in Wardak spoke To a Taliban attack on a base of the secret service i n Central Afghanistan, the number of dead has increased: of at least 65, a safety representative even of 70 dead.

In Afghanistan have been killed in an attack on a vertex of the secret service at least 65 people. After the attack in Wardak province, about 65 bodies had been made of the wreckage recovered, said Deputy chief of the provincial Council, Mohammed Sardar Bachjari.

A senior representative of the security forces spoke of at least 70 dead. Immediately after the attack there was talk initially of twelve of the dead.

Apparently, 150 special forces in the base

The stroke had happened on Monday (local time) in the Central Afghan town of Maidan Schahr. Thus was ignited in the early Morning, a suicide bomber detonated a car bomb near the base. Then three attackers stormed the base. At this time there were authorities representatives estimated that around 150 special forces of the intelligence service NDS in the base. A large part of the roof of the two-storey building collapsed. The violent Detonation of the car bomb is said to have damaged houses within a radius of one Kilometre. The Taliban confessed to the attack.

The site of the Taliban attack in Central Afghanistan: A large part of the roof of the intelligence base collapsed.

conversations for conflict resolution

Currently, efforts to solve the conflict politically run. Since July, several rounds of direct talks between the US delegations and high-ranking Taliban representatives. On Monday a further round of talks in the Gulf Emirate of Qatar began. The talks should lead to peace negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban.

However, they have no effect on the fighting. Taliban fighters deliver day-to-day battles with the security forces of the government. This is again high-ranking Taliban-commanders.

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