Sydøstjyllands Police now confirms to Ekstra Bladet, several detained after a video Monday afternoon has flourished in the social media.

– We p.t. fat in four young people who we suspect to be involved in this fire, and our investigation is now over, says Jørn Bystrup, vagtchef, Sydøstjyllands Police.

Several have turned to Extra-Magazine with a video that is put up on the social media Snapchat. Here filmed a young girl, while you can see the flames rise up among the seats in a train.

Along with the video there is a text:

‘So you know, we have done it.’

the Girl, who has shared the video, is from the town of Fredericia, and the police confirm it is on the basis of this, to the young people now is suspected:

– It is on the basis of the submissions that have been around the clip. And it will say that we should just have talked with them, says Jørn Bystrup.

Have a got hold of the four?

– Yes.

– Are they arrested?

– They are detained. The police have contact with them, saith the vagtchefen.

Vagtchefen have not yet overview of the ages of the four people.

the 112 – 17. dec. 2018 – at. 14:25 Sirenevarsel of Fredericia called off: No asbestos in the trains