“Karolinska university hospital”

“Alarm from inside children’s hospital: Surgeons get dirty tools”

“Crisis at the new Karolinska hospital”.

“Kirurgernas instruments at the Karolinska hospital is cleaned properly. “

“Operations on anesthetized children has been delayed or canceled – to tool had no visible traces of human flesh and blood, according to Aftonbladet’s information.”

” the Children are at risk to get anything dirty in his body. You can get sepsis and die, ” says a source.”

“The serious data comes from within the Astrid Lindgren children’s hospital, which is part of the new Karolinska university hospital in Solna.”

“In the months of time it has been surgical instruments, which has been prepared for surgeons to operate on children, been dirty – of kroppsrester.”

“– There are things you use to keep the skin, meat or pick out the pieces. And it is not dirt as the fabric, or such as belong to the cleaning procedure, but it must come from another human being, ” says a source to Aftonbladet.”

“Cancel the operation on the anesthetized child”

“the Problem has been for several months, according to the whistleblower. The instruments supplied from the sterilcentralen is often dirty, despite the fact that they are packaged the way they tend to be when they are cleansed and prepared for the next operation.”

“A scalpel is a engångsvara. But examples of surgical instruments as it can be about is tubes, pliers, hooks and hemostats, which is a kind of seaweed. “

“When an operation can require anywhere from a single to 50 instruments.”

“– As at the laparoscopic surgery, then you put in a steel pipe to put a camera in the pipe. You might also pull up a the appendix taken away, by the where the tube.”

“Over the past few weeks have dirty surgical instruments more and more often come from Sterilcentralen, or ”sterilization techniques” which the department is named. Children given and been ready for the operation have been brought without been able to carry out the operation – because the surgeons do not got a hold of the clean tools, according to a source.”

“In other cases, the operations have been delayed because surgeons have been on the lookout for clean instruments.”

“– the other Day it happened twice for the same patient. The equipment was dirty and sent back, then came the new equipment which also was dirty. It was only on the third attempt it was able to operate with something that looked clean, ” says Aftonbladet’s source.”

“Multiple sources confirms to Aftonbladet that there are problems with operationsinstrumenten.”

“the Management has not put a stop”

“And even if equipment looks clean-out raises questions about whether it really is clean, or if there are traces from past operations that the naked eye can not see.”

“– It can be just as dangerous though it is not visible. Why the leadership does not stop this immediately, and determine where in the chain it is failing is for me inconceivable, ” says Aftonbladet’s source.”

“What can happen if instruments are not clean?”

“– You can get a sepsis, a blood poisoning, and die. The business must be evacuated and my way to protect kids is to turn me to you.”

“Aftonbladet has been in contact with the New Karolinska ago on Wednesday afternoon. They have promised to come back. “