On the International LGBTi Pride Day (June 28), the Andujar City Council held an institution act. This commemorates the historical revolts of the group against the police violence in Stonewall, 1969.
Pedro Luis Rodriguez, the mayor of the City, presided over the institution act. He was accompanied by other members of the Municipal Corporation. There, representatives from different groups and associations met in the Assembly Hall of Municipal House of Culture.
It was the time when the manifesto in defense LGTBi rights was made. Pablo Baltanas (Andujar fashion designer) read it. He claimed that “the fight against hate crime and speech, which are increasing in recent years, is being intensified”.
The Department of Transversal Policies for Social Action and Equality also showed the video they had edited, which explained the meaning of the LGTBi words. This was a common mistake made by citizens and highlighted the differences in gender identity, sexual orientation, and sexual identity.
According to the mayor, “While there are still many steps to be taken and progress made in terms of rights tolerance and equality,” Andujar is proud of its diversity, plurality, and other aspects.
The mayor concluded that “This Government Team has always displayed special sensitivity when it comes to working for all citizens’ rights, trying to eradicate all forms of discrimination. We are going to keep promoting policies along those lines, always promoting education and knowledge about the LGTBi community.”