“Animal hospital missed test results – now has several horses fell ill”

“riding School in Åkersberga, sweden had to close after the hospital miss”

“At the beginning of the year fell ill a horse at a riding school in London and was euthanized at the veterinary hospital.”

“But the vets missed to inform the school about the deadly disease and now has several other horses have been infected.”

“– we Had only just gotten to know this at the time had very been avoided, ” says ridskolechefen Ann Borglund, who is desperate.”

“Now, another horse died.”

“The fourth of January was a horse of the riding school Skånsta riders in Åkersberga sick. The horse had a unsteady time, and a little later does not stand up properly.”

“It was driven to the university animal hospital (at the Swedish university of agricultural sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. The horse had to be euthanized the next day and the vets examined and took samples of the to investigate what happened.”

“Then nothing happened.”

“– Owner asked time and time again what was wrong and what had happened to her horse, ” says ridskolechefen Ann Borglund.”

“the Owner got no real answer, but it had taken samples of the horse. The news that she got was that it most likely was not anything contagious.”

“– She asks and asks, but gets no answer. I want to also know, but because they said it was not contagious, so we drove on as usual , ” says Ann Borglund.”

“Last Friday, two weeks after the horse was killed, fell ill one more horse in the stable.”

“– Then I thought immediately that it was something contagious.”

“A veterinarian was called and Ann Borglund isolated the stables, but it was too late. Now has several horses fell ill.”

“– I went in with another horse and asked, ”where are the results from the first case?””

“Got to know through Facebook”

“Ann Borglund was no answer, but there were new samples of the new sick horse. “

“– I go home and call several times but get no reply. Then I see on Facebook that our school shut down by the county. When I see it I have still not received any answers. I had it in time had I been able to close and take action. I have worked with this for 30 years so I know how to do.”

“Ann Borglund called the county.”

“– She was also in despair, and wondered why no one had to know something.”

“After further research got Ann Borglund know that the first results was completed on January 10, five days after the horse died, but no one was informed until it was too late.”

“Had”fallen between the chairs””

“It turned out that the horse had a very dangerous and contagious virus known as ehv-1 or ”abortvirus”.”

“– Between the 10th and the 23rd of January, we have not been told anything about this deadly disease, ” says Ann Borglund and continues:”

“– Had I been told this on the 10th I had been able to isolate the part of the barn where the sick horse was. Then had it look quite different. Then had four horses at his height become infected. “

“”Results had fallen between the cracks”, was the news Ann Borglund received by the university animal hospital (and in the night she had run away with even a very sick horse.”

“Djursjukhuschef: ”We must tighten to the routines of””

“now a Total of eight horses was very ill. Two of them have died.”

“Henrik Ericsson is universitetsdjursjukhusdirektör in Uppsala. He regrets the incident.n– It is as it is clear that it is the human factor that has been missed here quite simply, we drew attention to this results when it came. We are very sorry for and we’ll tighten up the procedures, ” says Henrik Ericsson, universitetsdjursjukhusdirektör in Uppsala, to the magazine Hippson.”