Button to have the smoke put out after a whale took Hobro Harbour during the big fuss, before even an exotic sea creatures have been found in Denmark.

A dolphin of the species pink-footed common dolphin was on Tuesday found dead on the beach at Hjerpsted in southern Jutland.

It writes the Jutland west Coast.

– A citizen from Tønder Municipality, Magnus called, he was out for a walk with his mother and finds a dolphin, so he calls to us, tells Jens Hjerrild Hansen, who is a forester at Naturstyrelsen, to Ekstra Bladet

the World inside out – 19. aug. 2018 – at. 11:34 Myth crushed: Here goes hvidhaj crazy on a dolphin

Although the dolphin probably only have been on the beach for a day, had wild animals have already embarked upon it.

– It goes fast with that eyes being pecked out by gulls, and there were also some animals that had been started down by the belly. They can open at kønsåbningen or navel and so get into to the intestines, says curator Charlotte Bie Thøstesen from the Fisheries and maritime museum in Esbjerg.

After the call from Magnus drove the Danish Nature agency and the Fisheries and maritime museum out and retrieved the dead dolphin.

Now it’s been moved to a freezer in the Fisheries and maritime museum in Esbjerg, and the next step is that the vets from DTU Veterinærinstiuttet must obducere the dolphin in order to determine a cause of death.

– There must have been something wrong with this here. This is not to say, whether it is death, and so, stranded, or dead, because it stranded. It will an autopsy show, says Charlotte Bie Thøstesen.

When dolphin is opened, take tissue samples, which can be used for research, and the skeleton must also be saved.

Community – 20. sep. 2018 – at. 13:36 Honey was left: she is Now the world’s loneliest dolphin

the Species pink-footed common dolphins are very rarely seen in Denmark.

– It is certainly not every day, they are stranded in Denmark. They are guests in the Danish waters, says Charlotte Bie Thøstesen.

It is backed up by Jens Hjerrild Hansen from the Danish Nature agency, who are well acquainted with the wildlife in the Wadden sea.

– It is not something that happens every year at the national level. I have had to do with it, and there has not been a dolphin with us in the Wadden sea in ten years, he says.

Usually, the live the kortnæbbede common dolphin in the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea.

Community – 13. nov. 2018 – at. 23:39 the Dolphin, on a visit in English harbour: I have not heard of before