Socialdemokraterna, the Greens, Centern and Liberalerna agree on a cooperation agreement, experiences the Swedish media. To week can regjeringsspørsmålet be clarified.

SVT writes that the parties are agreed that they wish that Stefan Löfven will be the country’s prime minister again after he went of 25. september.

the Negotiations on the regjeringsspørsmålet is inside a sluttspurt, says several unnamed sources to Aftonbladet and other Swedish newspapers on Friday. Nevertheless, the bourgeois alliance have come with a counter offer to the bourgeois parties, and the question of whether the new government seems not to be completely nailed.

According to aftonbladet’s sources are the four parties agree on the difficult issues related to labor law, utleieregulering and family reunification cases that led to the that the negotiations went in a pestle before christmas. They shall also agree in statsministerspørsmålet. The four do not have a majority in the Reichstag.

SVT content on their page to state that there is a new proposal to the agreement between Socialdemokraterna, Centern, Liberalerna and the Greens.

In the course of the weekend are the full meetings of the four parties respective partiorganer to anchor the cooperation agreement. The management in the Centern and Socialdemokraterna gather already Friday, while a deeply divided Liberalerna, on their side, holding an open partikonferanse Saturday.

– Breakthrough

bourgeois party Centerns leader, Annie Lööf, said at a press conference that they have tried to find a solution on the regjeringsforhandlingene.

SURPRISE: the Leader of the bourgeois party Centern, Annie Lööf, enlightened, at a press conference Friday evening that the party goes for Sosialdemokratenes Stefan Löfven as prime minister. The other bourgeois parties to have been “totally surprised” over the choice. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more

We had with us the other Alliance parties to create a government, something Sverigedemokratena said no to. It is tried several options, but one or more of the parties said no, ” she says.

Centerpartiet has had conversations with the Socialdemokraterna, the Greens and Liberalerna. Annie Lööf says that they have been in talks with these parties.

There has been a breakthrough in the talks. We have a draft agreement, ” says Lööf.

She stopped Jimmie Åkesson. By a “historic mistake” can she give Löfven power back

She says that they have landed on a yes to a solution that implies that Sverigedemokratenas votes do not determine important decisions in Rigsdagen. About this agreement between the parties is carried out, the mean Lööf that Sweden is more liberal.

They suggest Stefan Löfven as prime minister of Sweden. It comes surprisingly at the most, and that Lööf himself said in 2013:

– I eat up my right shoe than to be a gauge wheels for the social democrats.

It is the party now can be.

She adds, however, that she does not give Löfven any free ticket, but the support assumes that he does not lead a leftist politics again.

Kristersson taken on the bed

Both Centern and Liberalerna, together with Moderates and Kristdemokraterna been with in the bourgeois Alliance, which governed Sweden in the years 2006-2014. Before christmas last year voted they are still down Ulf Kristersson, the leader of the Alliance’s largest party Moderates, as the prime minister.

Even though this deteriorated the relationship between the alliansepartiene experience Svenska Dagbladet that Centern also have had intensive samarbeidsforhandlinger with Moderates and Kristdemokraterna in the course of the last month.

According to the newspaper came the information that the Centern and Annie Lööf shall be agreed with the Socialdemokraterna as a “total surprise” for Kristersson and Kristdemokraternas Ebba Busch Thor.

According to SVT there is a counter offer from Kristersson of a cooperation agreement with the Moderates and Kristdemokraterna, where Centern and Liberalerna given the opportunity to act freely in Parliament, if they match up with the two bourgeois parties.

JIMMIES PEOPLE: Sverigedemokraternas voters want real change. Åkesson received the greatest applause from the square in Strängnäs when he chastised the established parties immigration policy. Video: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more Entrenched

Elections in Sweden in september last year ended with a stalemate, since the Sverigedemokraterna (SD) ended up on the teeter-totter between the right and the left. No one will cooperate with høyrepopulistiske SD, and after the choice has innumerable and hitherto unsuccessful attempts have been made to form a government as the Parliament can accept.

Socialdemokraternas leader Stefan Löfven has also previously tried to bring about a cooperation between Centern, Liberalerne and its current regjeringspartner the Greens, but he was turned down when the previous statsministeravstemning took place 14. December.

– Right now, she sits on the whole power

Lööf came with a grueling kravliste and said that Löfven had lead a bourgeois politics” if he were to become prime minister, something that was too much to swallow for Socialdemokraterna.

Can be clarified to a week

A government with Socialdemokraterna, Liberalerna, Centern and the Greens will not have enough delegates to have a majority in the Reichstag, and will probably be depending on support from the Vänsterpartiet.

Liberalerna and Centern has previously ruled out to give Vänsterpartiet influence. Vänsterpartiet has on his page come with its own list of requirements that must be fulfilled if they are to support a regjeringsalternativ.

HISTORICAL: – It is a new Sweden we see, ” says Dagbladet commentator Marie Simonsen. Reporter: Steinar Suvatne. Video: Christian Roth Christensen Show more

Wish leader Andreas Norlén has called in the leaders of the eight parties in the Swedish parliament to the new meetings on Monday next week.

the Goal is to clarify who will be the next he promotes as statsministerkandidat, and a new statsministeravstemning in the Reichstag (parliament) is scheduled for Wednesday 16. January.