voice A critical Jury has voted “Anti-deportation industry” as word of the year 2018. The term show, “how the political discourse in terms of language and in the thing to the right has moved,” was the justification.

the word of The year 2018, the Anti-deportation industry. The spokeswoman of an independent voice critical of the Jury, the linguistics Professor Nina Janich in Darmstadt, Germany, announced.

The expression under point, those rejected asylum seekers, supported legally, the intention, criminal as to become refugees to protect, and to do so on a large scale to earn money, said Janich. The CSU politician Alexander Dobrindt had used the term in may 2018, in an Interview. The CSU land group in the Bundestag had referred to complaints against the deportation of rejected asylum-seekers as a Sabotage of the rule of law and an “Anti-deportation industry”.

Janich said, such a Speech by an important politician of a ruling party show, “how the political discourse in terms of language and in the thing to the right has postponed, and thus the predictability of rules in our democracy considerably change”.

in addition, the Jury also criticized the concepts of “human rights fundamentalism” and “anchor center” as taboo words. You can be cynical or inappropriate nice dyers.

the word of The year is awarded since 1991.

508 proposals

508 entered into various concepts were discussed as suggestions for the word of the year. Almost 70 of which have complied with the non-word criteria. Most of the CSU politician Markus Söder used the term “asylum tourism” (122), the AfD-Chairman Alexander Gauland used “bird shit” was often called, have been proposed. However, the frequency of a proposal plays for the decision of the Jury has no role.

“Alternative facts” was a misnomer 2017

In the past year, the choice fell on “alternative facts”. The non-word 2016 traitor”, before “do-gooder” (2015), “lying press” (2014) and “social tourism” (2013).

The annual nomination of the Unworts of the year to make the “undifferentiated, obscuring or defamatory public use of language”. It takes place since the year 1991. Responsible for the selection of a Jury of four linguists and journalists, supplemented by an annually changing guest.

The action itself is institutionally independent. You want to promote a conscious use of the language by referring to terms that discriminate, mislead or democratic principles injured. The Jury chooses from the proposals, anyone can submit on the Internet.