the Recordings from a antiveganers one-person demonstration in the weekend draw right now in the headlines around the world.

the Videos that are uploaded on Twitter, shows a man who allegedly stands on the streets of London and eating a squirrel raw right in front of the Soho Vegan Market in Rupert Street.

Community – 24. jan. 2019 – at. 17:29 Vegans grilled ‘dog’ to get people to stop eating meat

The same man several times in the past, stirred the uprising, with its antiveganske protests, among other things, when he last year consumed a piece of bloody, raw meat in front of the entrance to a vegan festival in Amsterdam.

the Man is in the media exclusively known under his name on YouTube, ‘Sv3rige aka Goatis’, and was in its latest protest wearing a T-shirt with the text ‘VEGANISM = MALNUTRITION,’ (Veganism = malnutrition, ed.). Around the neck he had, what might look like a roasted woodcock.

Here eat ‘Sv3rige’ a raw kalvehjerte under a veganerfestival in Amsterdam

‘Why do you do it here? I eat meat, but I do not it here,’ a person among the ‘audience’ is heard asking the man.

To uk Metro, he has explained that his message is that veganism does not provide the proper nourishment, and that he and others will want to show what people eat ‘out in nature’.

He believes that vegans consider veganism as a religion.

– They believe blindly that we might go from eating meat to only eat plants like a cow, but can we not as people, protests to the british tabloidmedie.

One of the videos that have been posted on Twitter, shows apparently the protesters antiveganer be arrested for his enterprise.

A spokesperson from the Met Police informs the Daily Mail that two people were arrested for disorderly in connection with a protest at the vegan market in Rupert Street.

In one of his latest videos on Youtube tells antiveganeren that he is currently on tour in the Uk, and asks his readers to help him financially to travel around to protest against veganism.

For only a about a week ago was the same man confronted by a dyrerettighedsorganisation, when he ate a raw grisehoved in front of a vegan food festival in Brighton.

A well-known vegan blogger was recently taken in flagrante delicto, as she ate the fish. See her explanation here.