Antwerp is The popular deelstep Bird gets competition. Antwerp welcomes two new players: Poppy and Troty. In order to prevent chaos, the afzetzones in the long term more tightly defined.

They are not from the Antwerp streets away to think: the electric deelsteps of Bird. Those who have a credit card and a smartphone can the two-wheelers unlock and agreed to by the city bulbs. Place search is not necessary, you may be the steps everywhere in the town to leave.

Bird – with a hundred steps active in Antwerp – get there soon – an exact date we did not have to know – competition. The Antwerp schepencollege has the green light for 400 extra deelsteps. The companies behind Troty and Poppy (little known of the deelauto’s and scooters) to get both a three-year licence is issued. They should each 200 deelsteps operate.

But the question arises as to whether the additional load steps in the Antwerp streets, be desirable. Those who were regularly in the town here, know that quite a few users their step in the middle of the footpath dare left behind. ‘Struikelsteps’ are a nuisance for pedestrians, especially for disabled people.