A horrific sight met a group of officers on Saturday morning in a trailer park in the town of Gonzales in the state of Louisiana in the UNITED states. Mud in the blood were mr and mrs Keith and Elizabeth Theriot, on 50 years found in their home.

– the Father (Keith Theriot, ed.) was badly wounded when we found him. We were able to get a dying man’s last words. It was just enough information that we know, that it was his son who committed this act, said police chief Bobby Webre in a statement after the found of the parents, as both died shortly after.

After an intense search, a son, the 21-year-old Dakota Theriot, was arrested Sunday morning. He is the prime suspect for having killed his parents, his girlfriend, his father-in-law and his brother-in-law.

The typing of several international media, including Sky, CNN and USA Today.

the Boyfriend, the 20-year-old Summer Ernest, her father, 43-year-old Billy Ernest, and her younger brother, 17-year-old Tanner Ernest, was on Saturday found skuddræbt in their home in Livingston, Louisiana.

the Police theory goes that the Dakota Theriot after the massacre of svigerfamilien took svigerfaderens truck and drove down to his parents in the trailer fleet not far from the svigerfamiliens home. Here shot Dakota Theriot supposedly the parents, before he fled north.

A search was launched, and well a day after the grisly ligfund could the police ascertain that the arrest of the suspected five-time killer was a reality.

the Arrest took place in the Dakota Theriots grandma’s house in the city of Warsaw in the state of Virginia more than 1600 kilometers northeast of the two crime scenes in Louisiana.

According to police chief Stephan Smith asked from the authorities to make sure that the house was secure, before she could return home. When the police in Virginia arrived to mormoderens house, they were met by an armed Dakota Theriot, which, however, was arrested without drama.

He will now be transported from Virginia to Louisiana, where he will be tried for five murders, illegal possession of firearms and illegal intrusion. According to police chief Jason Ard is the motive for the killings are yet unknown.