“The arrested person Interpolchefens wife seeking French asylum”

“the Wife of the arrested person, the law, government, a former Interpolchefen Meng Hongwei seeking asylum in France.”

“her Husband Meng were reported missing after traveling from the French Lyon, where Interpol has its headquarters and where the couple resides, to the home country, China in september. Only at a later occasion, announced the chinese authorities that he had been detained under allegations of inter alia bribery. Then they got the Interpol also a formal resignation from him. Earlier last year, had Meng lost his place in the autocratic communist party, the powerful party committee.”

“His wife Grace Meng is left in Lyon. She says to the radio station Franceinfo and the newspaper Liberation that she fears for her and her children’s lives, even if they are under French police protection.”

“I’m afraid of getting kidnapped,” she says, and tells of several chinese attempts to make contact as she herself suspects have been kidnappningsförsök.”