Tamy Glauser hesitates, looks away from the Reporter, silent short. “I haven’t thought of yet,” she replies finally, on the question of whether you would like to be entered in the national Parliament. The Video Interview took place during the “night of the long knives” before the last Federal Council election in Bern, Hotel Bellevue. The internationally renowned top model, was at the invitation of the Green site and looked at the political and operating a day-long close-up. In the meantime, it has considered Glauser. You want to run for the Greens in the autumn, such as the “Blick” reported.

The choice of opportunities for the political newcomer are intact, the number of Zurich examples from the past show, as a country, and people stormed the lists. In the national elections in 2015, there were three prominent Zurich names that shook up the election campaign: Köppel, Guldimann, and Martullo-Blocher.

celebrity Trio creates choice

The “world week”-publisher Roger Köppel, the SVP from the list rank 17 (35) into the race. The bad placement but changed nothing to the fact that on election Sunday Köppel with a new record has been selected. 178’090 votes he received as many as before, no politician, no national Council. He landed on space 1 in the case of the Zurich SVP and left all the Past behind.

set by: Tim Guldimann (SP) and Roger Köppel (SVP) on the first day of the new legislature in 2015. Image: Keystone

the former Ambassador, and a social-Democrat, Tim Guldimann overtook the previous national councils, such as Martin Naef and Thomas Hardegger, or the local SP-celebrities, Min Li Marti, and Priska Seiler count. From tenth place on the list from the start, he ended up on rank 4 and made the choice. In the meantime, he has but, unlike koeppel, is running for the Council of States, his office as a national Council made.

No list of places Magdalena Martullo had to make up for it-Blocher. She started from the pole position. The Meilemerin entered for the SVP Graubünden and took a seat in the national Council.

celebrities serve the parties, often as a flagship, which will make your party the own ordinary electorate are familiar with. Located in the Zurich SVP of the well-known milieu lawyer Valentin Landmann came there. He was a candidate in this year’s member of the Parliament elections successfully and managed – in spite of SVP-debacle – election to the cantonal Parliament. His Nomination caused a stir in the run-up to the elections for restlessness. It is party internal discussions, in which the constituency of fellow countryman to compete. In the end, he was a candidate in the city of Zurich, constituency 7+8, as originally planned. Whether or not he is also a candidate for the national Council, is still unclear.

Previous must. take good care of it

another Zurich man who was looking for the lateral entry into politics, and he was the current FDP councillor Filippo Leutenegger The former Journalist and Arena tamer later, in 2003, the sides, started in the national elections of 7th place out of the race and ended up in 3rd place and moved in for the free Democrats in Parliament.

prominent newcomers are not only headliners, they also include a party’s internal potential for conflict. Namely, when deserved, but less well-known policy insert-makers, which have taken the whole slog, and a Non – or even opting out fear. This fear is not unfounded, as an older example.

occurs in the national Council: pastor Ernst Sieber during a debate in July 1992. Image: Keystone

in 1991, the non-party pastors took Seriously Sieber for the EPP. The famous Zurich the choice succeeded on the first try. He extruded a former EVP of the national Council, but was involved at the same time essential to the rescue of the second seat, such as the NZZ wrote at the time, which leave a “mixed impression” behind.

In the same year as pastor Sieber, Werner Vetterli for the SVP in the national Council, which has been through various television programs known to be managed. Also he managed to improve his initial ranking and the previous Toni Bortoluzzi.

decision on Tuesday

And now so get involved Tamy Glauser in the election campaign, 2019, the Green. Glausers candidacy ensures the Greens, who are already on the upswing, once again extra attention. The chances are good that the Zurich Greens, who are currently represented with two Seats in the national Assembly, added another.

Apparently, Glauser will not receive the top spot on the list, but in the front must position. It comes after the party’s Executive Committee, the top places to Katharina Prelicz-Huber, Marionna Schlatter, Bastien Girod (so far), Balthasar Glättli (so far), Anika Brunner and Meret Schneider. The last word has the General Assembly next Tuesday. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 15.05.2019, 15:28 PM