the Key to understanding how life arose on Earth, may possibly be found on a relatively nearby asteroid the size of a skyscraper.

How does this sound Monday from the american space administration, Nasa.

Nasa sent in 2016, the spacecraft Osiris-Rex to investigate asteroid Bennu. It is feared that could collide with the Earth sometime in the 2100 century.

And now – two years later – showing the first samples from the mission, that there is found the ingredients to the water in the asteroid’s surface.

According to the solsystemsforsker Dante Lauretta, who is in charge of the mission, it can prove to be a ground-breaking discovery of the precursors to life on Earth.

– We have found abounding in minerals from the early solar system, which is exactly the type of samples, we are raised here in order to find and ultimately bring back to the Earth, he says in a telephone interview.

the Asteroid is ‘potentially dangerous’, because it can collide with Earth. Photo: AP

the Asteroid Bennu, which is located 2.25 million kilometers away, is a remnant from the creation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago.

Researchers estimate that the Bennu then collided with the Ground. Therefore, can the asteroid have delivered organic material and water to the globe, which later became the beginning of life on Earth.

The theory they may nyindsamlede samples of asteroidestøv be with to support.

When the Osiris-Rex returns to Earth in 2023, is expected examination of the samples so as to provide new information about the solar system’s history.

– We are trying really to understand the role of these carbon-rich asteroids have played in bringing water to the Earth and make the planet habitable, ” says Lauretta.

Nasa sent the spacecraft Osiris-Rex to investigate asteroid. Photo: AP

the Asteroid passes every six years through the Earth’s orbit during the circuit round the Sun.

In 2135 passes Bennu in between the Earth and the Moon. It may affect its future trajectory.

the Asteroid is categorized as ‘potentially dangerous’, because the once in the 22. century can collide with the Earth.

It is, however, considered unlikely. But should it happen, then it will trigger a bang 80,000 times stronger than the atomic bomb that wiped out Hiroshima in 1945.

FACTS: the Mission Osiris-Rex and the asteroid Bennu

* Nasa sent the unmanned space probe in august 2016. It was expected that after two years of travel would reach Bennu. According to the plan spacecraft again land on Earth in 2023.

* the Osiris-Rex carrying seven cameras and measuring instruments to examine the Bennus chemical constituents, mineralogy, and geology.

* in Addition to the Osiris-Rex collecting samples of Bennus surface. The goal is at least 60 grams of dust and rocks – in the best case, two kilos.

* the Mission is estimated to cost 800 million u.s. dollars, equivalent to nearly 5,3 billion dollars.

* Bennu – named after a mythical bird from ancient Egypt – is 500 meters in diameter and was discovered as late as in 1999.

* Only one other spacecraft has previously returned to Earth with samples from an asteroid. Due to a number of problems were, however, collected less than a milligram of material.

* Astronomers know of over 500,000 asteroids in our solar system, of which 7000 are called ‘nærjordsobjekter’. 1714 is ‘potentially dangerous’ because they can eventually hit the Ground.

Sources: Nasa, AFP.