A girl after a rape, pregnant, and the authorities do not allow you to have an abortion: The case of an Eleven-year-old from Argentina makes for indignation. The Baby was eventually born by caesarean section.

In Argentina, the dealing with a pregnant Eleven-year-old for outrage: The public Prosecutor’s office had denied her, apparently, after a rape, to have a legal abortion. When the girl finally in the 23. Pregnancy is not to be made the week a cesarean section because her body was, according to her Doctors still ripe for a pregnancy. The 600 gram Baby had little chance of Survival, the health condition of the Eleven-year-old was unsatisfactory, informed the doctors of the hospital in the province of Tucumán.

By the Partner of the grandmother

In Argentina is not allowed in the termination of pregnancies in special cases, such as after rape raped. In a particularly conservative provinces, it is not occurred but reiterated that the authorities comply with the actually planned processes. The girl is said to have been raped by the 66-year-old Partner of the grandmother repeated. The case was the authorities five weeks before the birth is known – at a time when a legal abortion would not have been possible.

“If we hadn’t operated, she would have died”

The human rights organization Amnesty International accused the health authorities, the abortion is denied, and to have the rights of the girl injured. A Prosecutor had instructed the clinic of the Eleven-year-old, the pregnancy is not interrupted, said Minister of health, Rossana Chahla of the newspaper “La Gaceta de Tucumán”. It would have to be brought in therefore, Doctors to the surgery. “If we had not had surgery, she would have died,” said a treating Doctor. The Eleven-year-old had been linked with high blood pressure in the operating room.

For additional excitement, declarations of the Archbishop of Tucumán, Carlos Sánchez, of the for the protection of the Eleven-year-old and the newborn is calling, and the secret name of the Raped announced. provided

With green headscarves had demonstrated the advocates of a more liberal abortion law in the past year in Argentina.

Legislative attempt failed

In the past year had been dismissed by the Parliament, a more liberal abortion law just. The then health Minister, Adolfo Rubinstein has estimated that every year about 350,000 illegal abortions would be performed. How many women die due to Bungling in the case of illegal abortions, is not known exactly. Amnesty International estimates that up to half a Million women have an abortion per year, illegal, and every tenth Time complications occur.