On Monday morning, an 87-year-old motorist skidded on the Parking lot of an Aldi market in the Breisgau street in Zehlendorf from the brake to the gas pedal and raced straight into the output of the super market. Window, frames and glass doors were destroyed in the collision, no one was hurt, because at the time of the accident, neither customers nor employees in the area were. Whether the man is allowed to keep his license to continue, is unclear.

motorists in high age to cause disproportionately often in traffic accidents – and is involved in such cases, a maximum age for driving License holders or mandatory driving tests for seniors. Until the end of December, a 90-year-old motorist was driving on the A100 motorway in the wrong direction and collided with a in the right direction of the moving car. Only by chance was injured in the accident, none of the drivers.

The number of traffic accidents with the elderly have doubled in the past 15 years. “Three-quarters of the over 75-Year-old wear to the accidents in which they are involved, the main culprit,” Siegfried Brockmann, head of the Accident research of the insurance Association GDV said to the daily mirror.

So they fared worse than the commonly referred to as a high-risk group referred to 18 – to 21-Year-old with a rate of 70 percent. Older drivers should be required from the point of view of the UDV, therefore, by law, test runs shall be performed with trained observers.

More about

city motorway, Berlin’s 90-year-old wrong-way driver accident on the A100

Lars von Törne

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