Yes, there were goose bumps moments this Morning in the once negatively connoted “security guard school” on the Schöneberger “social Palace”. The most beautiful, perhaps, Than the sixth graders sang “We walk the path side-by-side for a lifetime”. Who saw still in the concentrated and touching the open faces of the children, could actually only Be pleased about a school in a difficult neighborhood, which brings such atmosphere.

but There were also moments in the Piece. As an example, the new head of the school, Nana Salzmann on the question of violent incidents said that she could not be the judge of that: “I have not found it so.”

But that is exactly why the appointment was meant to be, invited to participate in the administration of education in the spree forest-school had to: Show that you can overcome the past and “on the way”, as it was called to set the mood. And like education Senator Sandra Scheeres wanted to show himself after last year getting the job of your Secretary of state, Mark Rackles (both SPD) had been to manage the crises, of which there were plenty. But now everything seems to be palletized. And how it went?

Before it goes on to Explain, there is first a tour of the new “Studio”: Scheeres, it may inaugurate. Inside, Enis, 11, Mehmet, 10, and Muhammed, 11 present, your new to Rap about their love for football and the fact that there is “much to do”. Even so, a good Moment, because it is not just that the students put into it, but you can tell your teachers your commitment. The small recording Studio on the second floor could be financed with funds from the bonus program.

but Then got serious. How the conversion is to explain the demonstration to tell the headmistress.

ban for parents who do not abide by the rules

Salzmann distributed to the invited media representatives an “agreement for the conflict solution”. There is to read, that parents should not commit to resolve their conflicts “themselves in or in front of the school”. If you didn’t, you have to expect a ban “in the extreme case,” with a house, in the in four languages translated form, the parents should sign it.

in addition, Salzmann reported that they welcomed early in the morning, the students at the door with a “Good Morning” – this kind of speech will be valued. And you can’t tell from the conflict pilotage team and the Theatre centre of gravity, both of which are new: The theater’s emphasis has long been part of the spree forest school and the conflict were brought to pilotage, as well as the class Council – salt’s predecessor, Doris Unzeitig on the way. So there must be something else here. But what?

Salzmann says that you come from a neighbouring school of the same neighborhood, same clientele. Since she was the Vice principal. You knew from the beginning what to expect, knew how the parents and students raised here. Unzeitig, however, came from the Austrian country, had completely different experiences. The “chemistry” did not vote, is a further presumption. It is the? What is the new parental representation reported?

“I don’t know why the former head of the school of violence has spoken,” says Aslan Sali, the Chairman of the overall parent conference. “The violence is wrong.” But the many years of total parent representative Hadia Me, had always supported salt’s predecessor, Doris Unzeitig going to demand because of the violence incidents to the security guard. “I’ve seen a woman I never”, the short answer Salis.

Hadia Me fall from the clouds, as she learns at noon, which has reported its successor. She recalled that in 2018 “would have constantly insulted the parents in the school-house before the classes”. They were left “on teachers and students”. A father was beaten because of an alleged bullying incident, “a student”. After four years as parent representative, do not understand you, “as new parents, such statements can also set up”. But above all, makes you angry, that will now be quickly forgotten bills, such as the discussion about the violence at the school had started.

Public Push was successful

in fact, had made representative of the school, the problems first-then known as Unzeitig in vain, unsuccessfully, had tried to get support in securing the school and grounds: The locking system does not, and the equally extensive as overgrown plot worked was, and is, unclear, non-School camp there. Added to this were the Attacks of the parents. Therefore, you want to – after neukölln model – a wax protection. But the district office refused. Unzeitig felt just as left alone as it is with the dilapidated Hort: The students need to eat for a year in a passage.

in The end, you had – in public – Pushing success of The guard came, and the center should be starting in the summer of re-usable, education councillor Oliver Schworck (SPD). There are also bushes cleared, and then a 1.80 Meter high fence. Then you’ll see if the guard would still be needed, Schworck.

The green school Committee Chairman in the district, Martina Zander-Rade, was used sometimes for Unzeitig, when she felt, once again, from the management left in the lurch. On Wednesday, she said that the school now benefits “of many things, the woman has Unzeitig initiated”.

More about

Berlin-Schöneberg Showdown in the dispute to the Director of the spree forest school

Susanne Vieth-Entus

Who else wants to know how to Austria returned Unzeitig to Berlin’s education authorities reminded, can be found in the book “A teacher looks red”, that appears in June.