perhaps It was something as mundane as the desire to mate, who recently got a small herd of australian agatudser to take a ride on a inadvertently pytonslange. It writes The Guardian according to the, where you can also see a video of the phenomenon.

Australian Paul Mock caught the episode during a violent storm in the remote town of Kununurra in western Australia.

the Storm had given the city almost 70 millimetres of rain, and Paul Mock was out to see if the nearby dam could stand against the floodwaters.

It was here that he discovered the 3.5 m long pytonslange, who fled from the rising water levels, along with its passengers.

– He was literally on his way at full speed across the grass with frogs hanging on, says Paul Mock to The Guardian according to the

Paul Mock published his discovery on Twitter, and his own theory was that tudserne had got a lift on the snake in order to escape the local flood.

the Next morning commented biologist Jodi Rowley, however, that closer was a whole lot of ’very’ horny agatudser, who gave the hose a little love.

– Male agatudser allow themselves to easily tear a little. This AMAZING video reminds me about the time I found a agatudse in the process of mate with a rotten mango in northern Queensland, wrote Jodi Rowley, who is affiliated with the Australian Museum Research Institute later in a posting on Twitter.

Since then, the australian biologist used the sudden media coverage to educate the public in frøernes sex habits under the two accompanying hashtags #frog and #sex.

For example, are some species ‘polyandriske’, writes biologist in a new Twitter lookup. This means that the females may mate with two males at a time, and that both males is to fertilize a part of the eggs.

in Addition, there are seven known sexstillinger for the frogs, informs the australian biologist.

They include, among other things, a position in which the male sitting astride on the female’s head, and an ‘independent’ position, where the frogs turns his head each way and only has the downside connected with each other.

Agatudser considered to be invasive pests in the tropical part of northern Australia, and in the course of recent decades, they have done great harm to local ecosystems and native species, writes The Guardian according to the

Caught on film: Bjørnedyr have maratonsex

Sex with animals yes, why not?

Masturbate animals?