“Björklund’s final grade looks to be bad”

“the Liberals, goes against yet another förlustval”

“Jan björklund’s the final grade that the party is liable to become lousy.”

“the Liberals have declined in over half of the elections under his leadership.”

“Now they look to move towards yet another defeat.”

“today ends the Liberal partiråd where they are preparing for the next Swedish elections, elections to the EUROPEAN parliament the 26 of may.”

“It is also Jan björklund’s last election as party leader before he departs after almost twelve years as the leader of first the Liberals and then the Liberals.”

“the Risk is imminent that there will be another förlustval for Björklund. “

“so Far is cvs, which valvinnare scant, not to say really bad. But it may be even worse,”

“the Liberals have lost support in two of the three parliamentary elections that Jan Björklund led the party in. The only win, in last year’s elections, was extremely modest. Support ökadeade by 0.1 percentage points, or just under 17 800 votes.”

“– Trend is broken, said optimistically minded colleagues to Björklund. But is it really there?”

“In the elections to the EUROPEAN parliament, which takes place every five years, it has not been particularly good for the Liberals. In half of the elections which have taken place during björklund’s time as party leader (L) has the Liberals lost support.”

“Fell in the last election.”

“In the last EUROPEAN elections, in 2014, reduce the support for the Liberals by 3.7 percentage points, or just under 62 000 votes. The party lost a total of three seats.”

“Now hope Jan Björklund and the Liberals on revenge. It means that he wants the party at least not do less well in this EU election than in the last. At any time better.”

“But the prospects for et to be successful is bleak. In the last elections topped the ballot of the very popular Marit Paulsen, who alone drew more than 144 000 votes. It was almost 40 per cent of the party’s total number of votes.”

“Paulsen left the parliament after only a year. One suspects that she did her party a final service that vallokomotiv before she finally drew back.”

“The new list was in last Friday. It is topped by Cecilia Wikström, 53, member of the EUROPEAN parliament since ten years back.”

“She is popular in his party, but is very far from being the röstvärvare that Paulsen was in the last election.”

” Second on the list are surprising, Said Abdu, 32, who sat in parliament for the Liberals between 201f4 and 2018. He is self-employed, born in saudi Arabia of eritrean parents. They moved to Sweden when Abdu was in ettårsåldern.”

“Abdu struck unexpectedly out riksdagsräven Allan Widman from the other site. He is certainly a excellent person in every way. But for the public at large is Said Abdu completely unknown.”

“Climb for the Liberals to achieve their goal, at least as many votes as in last elections, therefore, is steep. “

“the Liberals have for a long time been rocked by an internal struggle, for or against Jan Björklund, and his renunciation of all dealings, even passively, with The sweden democrats. It has taken down the temper of the active and the parties in a bad mood rarely win elections.”

“Now think Jan Björlund put all the explosives he has on the EUROPEAN elections, more than in the past. In the last EU-election campaign, he was the minister of education and also had a new election, the parliamentary elections in 2014, a few months later that forces to save.”

“But how much he wears looks Jan Björklund out being forced to end his partiledarkarriär with even a förlustval.”

” the Liberals are in a downward spiral, the party is divided and röstmagneten Marit Paulsen has receded.”

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