Because of death threats has left the gay Brazilian Deputy Jean Wyllys, the country and wants to resign from office. “Life-to preserve is also a strategy to fight for better times,” wrote the 44-year-old politician of the left party PSOL on Thursday in the short message service Twitter.

The daily newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo,” said Wyllys, it is the choice of the ultra-right Jair was Bolsonaro for President of Brazil, as such, have led him to his step. Rather, it had increased to Bolsonaros election victory in October, the violence against members of the LGBT Community (lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender).

Bolsonaro is considered to be extremely homo – and TRANS-hostile

said The press office of the Parliament, Wyllys does not have to be filed mandate or formally. His office to the AFP news Agency but said that he was going to do this and a time outside of the country. Information as to the whereabouts of the deputies made it to his office. Wyllys was since 2011 a member of the Parliament.

The former army officer Bolsonaro, is getting noticed again with the homo – and TRANS-hostile Statements, had taken the presidency to the beginning of the year. In his time as Deputy, he and Wyllys were advised again and again to each other. As Bolsonaro 2016 devoted to his voice for a dismissal of the former President, Dilma Rousseff, a torturer from the time of the Brazilian military dictatorship, spat Wyllys him in the face.

About Wyllys were spread dozens of lies in the network

back in November shortly after the election, Bolsonaros Wyllys had said, he afraid I must soon leave the country, because the propaganda against homosexuals and trans-people in Brazil will always be unbearable. Wyllys was made in the election campaign of Bolsonaro image of the enemy, Bolsonaro wanted to mobilize its right-wing base. Out of the haze circle Bolsonaros dozens of lies about Wyllys were widely used in the network: Wyllys was for pedophilia. Wyllys wool parts of the Bible forbid, the children in the school to teach the gay. “That bastard has used me for his ascent,” says Wyllys at the time, about Bolsonaro. (AFP/Tsp)

In November, wrote our Brazil correspondent Philipp-light, Beck is already a documentary about Jean Wyllys – and why the choice Bolsonaros for people like him, life might be dangerous. His report you can read here.

More about

violence against Transgender people in Brazil are Threatened, persecuted and disappeared in Rio

Fabian Federl

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