living in Germany British threatened by the Brexit after a transitional period the loss of their residence permit. In the case of an unregulated exit might have to be every case is individually tested.

tens of thousands living in Germany British in the loss of your residence status is in danger of an uncontrolled Brexit. Although all of them could stay, at least for a three-month transition period in Germany, “they lose their Status as citizens of the Union,” said a spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry.

lump-sum solution, not sure yet

in Principle, should the British within the transitional period, apply for a new residence permit. Pending a decision on this request, your stay in Germany, as well as, where appropriate, their acquisition activity then than allowed. Whether there will be it tests or a flat rate scheme, is still open, said the Ministry spokesman.

Some of the foreigners authorities to prepare, according to the interior Ministry already, a voluntary registration procedure for British nationals, if needed.

The Federal government had already declared that it will place British citizens are no obstacles for the further stay in Germany in the way. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said, you hope that the Brexit-ratified Treaty and there is no unregulated outlet. After that, the British would in any case have until the end of the transitional period the end of 2020, the right to stay in the EU and Germany.